• Year: 2018
    1ª Edition
    Format: paper
    Pages: 92
    Language: Spanish
    Editorial Piles
    Dimensions: 21x29.5 cm.

    Available Ed. Piles

    Juan Pons Server La música en tu voz

    Lessons of "Musical Language" adapted from works in "melodic style" by the author.


    The purpose of these "melodic lessons" of an expressive nature is to complement the musical training of students not so much from a technical point of view, but from an artistic point of view.

    So, what is intended is that they make music, feel and enjoy singing these melodies as if it were a concert, and that in turn, serve to express their most noble feelings and also to help them understand the greatness of musical art.

  • Year: 1977
    10ª Edition
    Format: paper
    Pages: 72
    Language: Spanish
    Editorial Piles
    Dimensions: 17x24 cm.

    Available Ed. Piles

    Juan Pons Server Iniciación Musical

    Didactic work to start the practice of music education both in primary schools and in elementary schools of music.

    The starting point in this book set for the basic study of the sounds and their intervallic relationships follows the already masterfully criteria developed by leading educators in the field as Orff, Kadalif or Willems.

    Through this work the student is guided in the learning of musical notes, the intonation and rhythm sounds (duration).

    For that, it starts with simple exercises based on two and three musical notes to go forward to the full employment of the musical scale and finally to end up singing fragments of classical pieces as the famous Ode to Joy (Ninth Symphony) by Beethoven or Mozart's Little Night Serenade.

  • Year: 1983
    4ª Edition
    Format: paper
    Pages: 48
    Language: Spanish
    Editorial Piles
    Dimensions: 17x24 cm.

    Available Ed. Piles

    Juan Pons Server Iniciación al Estudio de la Flauta Dulce

    The book “Iniciación al Estudio de la Flauta Dulce”, is to complement the book “Iniciación Musical” for the continuation in the study of musical practice through the recorder, being a very effective method in developing musical ear, and also to awaken the artistic feeling.

    Through this work, the student will learn step by step the management of a recorder, supported with clear drawings which will guide him or her through the correct finger position for making each of the musical notes to sound.

    The success of this method lies in the continuous motivation to the student, because from the beginning he or she will be able to play simple songs to gradually increasing the difficulty up to play fragments of classical masterpieces by composers such as Beethoven, Wagner, Chopin and Verdi among others.

  • Year: 1983
    3ª Edition
    Format: paper
    Pages: 64
    Language: Spanish
    Editorial Piles
    Dimensions: 21,5x31 cm.

    Available Ed. Piles

    Juan Pons Server Introducción a la Práctica del Dictado Musical

    Musical dictation, which musically is to let the student hear what the teacher wants to assimilate and retain in his or her mind and then ask their realization oral or written, is a discipline that modern education has introduced in the teaching of music, considering it is one of the most effective means for the education of hearing.

    That's why this book becomes a great tool for teachers towards the musical education of their students.

    The method is based on the practice of the "dictation of sounds" and "dictation of rhythm" causing the attention, at the beginning, focus on each of them, so that later, they can come together producing "melodic and rhythmic dictation" with guaranteed success. Tasks are completed by popular songs and classics fragments dictations.